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- Sophie Calle
Interviews - Sophie Calle
Art - MMK
Frankfurt - Cindy
Sherman - Sophie Calle
True Stories - Sophie Calle
Photography - Sophie Calle
Prenez Soin De Vous - Sophie Calle
Take Care of Yourself - Sophie
Musique - Sophie
Webster Coronation Street - Laurie
Anderson - Noemie
Lvovsky - Monica Bellucci
Fashion Model - Yves-Alain
Bois - Greenwood
Cemetery - Art
Safari - Coronation
Street Sally - Fotomuseum
Winterthur - Cali
Concert - L'Autobiographie
- French
Pavilion - Hasselblad
Awards - The Nameless
Man - Henri
Lafont - Grand
Palais - Victoria Mendoza
Case - Sophie Calle
Take Care of Yourself 2007 - Monica Bellucci
Wedding Dress
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