Silas High School
Information regarding Silas High School's athletic sports. Silas High School competes in the Pierce County League. Our school is part of the West Central District Division 3 and a 3A Washington Interscholastic Activities Association.
About - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
Silas High School was built in 1958 and opened a new addition in September 2006, which contains state-of-the-art classrooms and science labs, the library, our business education classes, an expanded Associated Student Body complex, the Career Center, and Guidance and administrative offices.
Athletics & Activities - Silas High School
Silas High School was well represented at the 2023-2024 Winter Sports Athlete of the Year hosted by the Tacoma Athletic Commission. Silas had eight student-athletes represented. Here are the nominees from Silas High School: Basketball – Boys: Tyson Parker. Basketball – Girls: Annique Smith. Bowling: Keira Frazier
Calendar & News - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
central administration building, 4th floor auditorium, 601 south 8th street, tacoma, wa 98405
Academics - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
Live tutoring, paper review, math question drop off, and SAT/ACT preparation are available for free from Tutor.com for Tacoma Public Schools students in grades 3-12. All sessions are recorded so students can review their information on their own or refer back to it during future tutoring sessions.
Enroll at Silas - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
Silas High School staff, students and families create a school environment where all students have the opportunity to exhibit high standards of achievement and critical thinking skills, social responsibility and community contributions.
Story Details - Silas High School
Feb 23, 2025 · Silas High School—Principal’s Weekly Message—February 23, 2025— Silas Core Beliefs. Every student can learn and grow at high levels. Every student brings valuable prior knowledge to school. Every student shall have a trusted adult at school with whom they connect. Every student shall have access to guaranteed and viable curriculum.
Course Catalog - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
Silas High School. 1202 North Orchard. Tacoma. WA. 98406. 253-571-6000. About. Silas High School > Academics > Course Catalog Tools. Athletics Registration; Bus Routes; District Calendar; Report Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (HIB) Report Sexual Harassment; ParentVUE (opens in new window/tab)
Clubs - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
Breanne Willard 571-6104 | [email protected] Ben Meersman 571-6105 | [email protected]
Bell Schedule - Silas High School - Tacoma Public Schools
Silas High School. 1202 North Orchard. Tacoma. WA. 98406. 253-571-6000. About. Silas High School > About > Bell Schedule Tools. Athletics Registration; Bus Routes; District Calendar; Report Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (HIB) Report Sexual Harassment; ParentVUE (opens in new window/tab)