Constables / Lubbock County, Texas
The official government website of Lubbock County, Texas.
Constable Precinct 1 Paul Hanna - Lubbock County
The mission of the Precinct Constable's Office is to provide services that exceed community expectations as a law enforcement service and enforcement arm of the judiciary. This includes: Protecting the public from criminal activities through innovative crime prevention and …
Law Enforcement / Lubbock County, Texas
The following list contains links to Law Enforcement Officials along with their contact information. Lists for Judiciary Officials and County Departments are also available. The official government website of Lubbock County, Texas.
Sanchez named Lubbock County Precinct 3 constable following …
Jan 8, 2024 · There's a new constable in Lubbock County. Jose A. Sanchez began serving in the role of Precinct 3 constable Monday after the Lubbock County Commissioners Court appointed him to the...
KCBD INVESTIGATES: Sheriff asks Constable to stay out of …
Oct 30, 2014 · LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - Lubbock County Constable for Precinct 2, Joe Pinson, has been warned to stay out of future car chases involving the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office. The notice follows an accident in July that injured a sheriff's deputy.
Lubbock Co. Constables speak out on dangers of being a constable …
Aug 26, 2022 · LUBBOCK, Texas – This week’s tragedy involving two Oklahoma deputies being shot while out serving evictions has put into perspective what these officers do on a daily basis. Here in Lubbock, the...
Jody Barnes Lubbock County Constable Pct 2 - Facebook
My name is Jody Barnes and I am currently your Lubbock County Constable for Precinct 2. Being in an elected office position to serve the constituants of Precinct 2 in Lubbock County has been one of the greatest joys of my professional carrer in law enforcement.
Lubbock County Constable Jobs, Employment - Indeed
lubbock county constable jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 3,000+ jobs. Juvenile Supervision Officer/Senior Juvenile Supervision Officer. Hiring multiple candidates. Garza County Regional Juvenile Center 4.0. Post, TX 79356. $41,600 - $43,680 a …
Lubbock County Sheriff's Office | Few are called, but those who …
Nov 6, 2020 · We serve in a community partnership to preserve order, protect life and property, enforce laws and ordinances, and to safeguard individual liberties. We conduct ourselves according to the highest ethical standards, and treat others with fairness, dignity, and respect.
Lubbock County Constable Vasquez resigns
Jan 4, 2012 · Ronnie Vasquez has resigned from his elected post as Lubbock County constable for Precinct 3. The Saturday resignation came at the end of a rocky year for Vasquez.