Attendance - Juanita High School - Lake Washington School …
Students arriving more than 15 minutes late to the first period of the day MUST sign in at the Attendance Office (even if they arrive during a passing period). Parent communication is required for early dismissal prior to the time of dismissal. Attendance tips to help keep your student on track linked below!
Course Registration & Grad Planning - Juanita High School
Start high school by signing up for classes that you know you can pass even if it is a little challenging, then gage how high school is going and increase the rigor as you go! Didn't do so well in Algebra 1? It's ok to retake it, to get a strong foundation.
Sports Only Students - Juanita High School - Lake Washington School …
Students whom attend Choice, Private, Online and Home School programs are eligible to participate in athletic programs at their neighborhood school as a Sports Only Student. Sports Only students must register / re-register with their resident school each …
JHS Booster Club
Welcome to the Juanita High School Booster Club! \u000B\u000BOur mission Our mission is to support the development of extracurricular student programs, to enrich the high school educational experience, contributing to the foundation of a strong future for all students. Our purpose We are a 501(c)(3)
Juanita High School in Kirkland WA - SchoolDigger
As part of the highly-ranked Lake Washington School District, Juanita High School consistently performs among the top high schools in the state, earning a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger and ranking 29th out of 437 schools in the 2023-2024 school year.
- Author: SchoolDigger.com
Juanita High School PTSA
What is JHS PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association)? We support the health, diversity, inclusion, safety and education of all students, families and staff at Juanita High School through advocacy, volunteering and fundraising. We are a parent run organization. We are affiliated with Washington State PTA and National PTA.
Juanita High School - Class of 1990 - Classreport.org
Classreport.org provided free website for the Class of 1990 from Juanita High School for the members and guests of this class to stay informed of reunion events and updates from fellow members.
College & Career - Juanita High School - Lake Washington School …
The College & Career Center (CCC) is a place where students may come to find out about college visits, scholarships, job openings, field trips, and volunteer opportunities. We are here to provide information and guidance to help students navigate their post high school options.
1) Candidates are placed in The Cambridge AICE Program at Juanita High School by lottery order until all vacancies are filled. There is room for 64 students for the Class of 2029.
What Parents Should Know - Juanita High School - Lake Washington School ...
Tech Prep classes available at Juanita are: Digital Design, American Sign Language, Yearbook, Marketing, Life & Finance, Architecture Design/CAD, Mechanical Engineering I & II, Biotechnology, Material Science, Photo, and Child Development.