Higashi Hongan-ji - Wikipedia
Higashi Hongan-ji (東本願寺), or, "the Eastern Monastery of the Original Vow", is one of two dominant sub-sects of Shin Buddhism in Japan and abroad, the other being Nishi Honganji …
Higashi Honganji Temple - Kyoto Station
Just ten minutes’ walk from Kyoto Station is the grand complex of Higashi Honganji Temple, one of the great popular centers of Buddhism in Kyoto, and entry to it is completely free. This …
Honganji Temples (Higashi Honganji and Nishi Honganji)
Higashi Honganji (East Honganji) was built only eleven years after and a few street blocks east of Nishi Honganji as the head temple of the Otani faction of Jodo-shin Buddhism. Its main hall, …
Higashi Honganji Temple | Travel Japan - Travel Japan - Japan …
Higashi Honganji Temple was constructed in 1602. The Goeido was rebuilt in 1985, and is one of the world's largest wooden structures. The temple belongs to the Jodo-shin school of …
Higashi Hongan-ji - The Temple with the World’s Largest …
Higashi Hongan-ji is a religious complex of the True Pure Land (Jodo-Shinshu) Buddhism, located on Karasuma-dori avenue, near Kyoto’s main station in Japan. Its monumental architecture …
Higashi-Hongan-ji Temple - Kyoto City Official Travel Guide
The Higashi Honganji complex is the head temple of the Otani-ha branch of the Jodo Shinshu, ShinBuddhism, which is popularly known as Ohigashi-san. This was built on donated land, …
About Higashi Honganji | Shinshū Ōtani ha HIGASHI HONGANJI
Higashi Honganji, officially known as Shinshū Honbyō, is the mother temple of the Shinshū Ōtani-ha branch of Jōdo Shinshū (Shin Buddhism), whose founder is Shinran (1173-1262). The …
浄土真宗・真宗大谷派の本山で、宗祖親鸞聖人の御真影を安置している京都の由緒ある寺院です。 帰敬式や真宗本廟収骨などの参拝受付や大谷祖廟、納骨・永代経のお取扱い、さまざま …
Hongan-ji - Wikipedia
Hongan-ji (本願寺, Temple of the Primal Vow), also archaically romanized as Hongwanji, is the collective name of the largest school of Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism (which further sub-divides into …
Highlights and how to get to Higashi Hongan-ji Temple.
Jan 5, 2017 · Higashi Hongan-ji temple is a head temple of the Shinshu Otani-ha branch of Jodo Shinshu located in Shimogyo-ku Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. The formal name of this …