Layer: Basins Designation Orders (ID: 0) - Nevada
Under such conditions, the State Engineer may designate a groundwater basin and, in the interest of public welfare, declare preferred uses (e.g., municipal and industrial, domestic, agriculture, etc.) (Nevada Revised Statute 534.120) .
Common Symbols used in GEOL 473/573. A Area [L2] b Saturated thickness of an aquifer [L] d Diameter [L] e. void ratio (dimensionless) or e. 1. is a constant = 2.718281828... f. Number of head drops in a flow of net . F . Force [M L T-2 ] g. Acceleration due to gravity [9.81 m/s. 2] h.
Groundwater Glossary – The Groundwater Foundation
Groundwater Basin. The underground area from which groundwater drains. The basins could be separated by geologic or hydrologic boundaries. Groundwater Divide. The boundary between two adjacent groundwater basins, which is represented by a high point in the water table. Groundwater Flow. The movement of groundwater beneath the earth’s surface
Interactive Map of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin - County …
This is an interactive mapping system to help you to navigate around the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin by panning, zooming, or searching for a specific parcel or street address that you would like to locate.
GAMA OnLine Tools - Water Boards
Aug 12, 2024 · The State Water Board GAMA Program and the U.S. Geological Survey have created tools to help users understand groundwater quality in California. The following online tools allow users to access data through web maps and data querying tools.
Statewide Groundwater Management - Department Of Water …
Groundwater refers to water stored below the Earth's surface in aquifers, which include porous layers of sand, soils and clay that holds water. Stacked layers of aquifers make up a groundwater basin. For decades, groundwater in some parts of the State has been pumped out faster than can be recharged, causing record low groundwater levels in ...
Groundwater Basins and Subbasins within the San Francisco Bay Hydrologic Region Click on bold and italicized items for additional information.
Interactive Groundwater Basins Map - County of San Luis Obispo
Groundwater basins throughout San Luis Obispo County.
Groundwater Publications - Kentucky Energy and Environment …
These maps are designed for regional and preliminary hydrogeologic investigation, and can be used to quickly identify karst basins and the springs to which a site may drain. The maps also serve as a geographic index to literature on karst investigations in each area.
Groundwater Basin Boundary Descriptions - Sacramento River …
Aug 11, 2023 · This dataset includes the official groundwater basin boundary descriptions for California's 515 groundwater basins. To make locating descriptions easier, they have been organized by region. This resource contains descriptions for basins that start with the number five (5-XXX) indicating they are located in the Sacramento River Region