Boundary Maps and Management Zones | FWC
Florida state waters are from shore to 3 nautical miles on the Atlantic and from shore to 9 nautical miles on the Gulf. In most places, federal waters extend from where state waters end out to about 200 nautical miles or to where other country's waters begin.
Florida State Waters and Land Boundary
This data set was developed to represent the state bounds of Florida including land and water area. The boundaries are based on information available and should not be construed as legally binding.
What's the difference between federal and state waters?
Mar 6, 2019 · In Florida, one of the biggest fishery management boundaries is that between state waters, where the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) makes the regulations, and federal...
Surface Water Class Boundaries (areas) - Florida Department of ...
With over 50,000 miles of rivers and streams, 7800 lakes, and 4000 square miles of estuaries, Florida has an abundance of surface waters that are used for a variety of purposes by the people who live and work here, by those who are visiting, and …
ArcGIS - Florida State Waters and Land Boundary
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Surface Water Class Boundaries (lines)
With over 50,000 miles of rivers and streams, 7800 lakes, and 4000 square miles of estuaries, Florida has an abundance of surface waters that are used for a variety of purposes by the people who live and work here, by those who are visiting, and …
Florida Department of Environmental Protection - MapDirect
This data set was developed to represent the state bounds of Florida including land and water area. The boundaries are based on information available and should not be construed as legally binding.
Florida State Waters and Land Boundary | Florida Fish and …
Oct 31, 2014 · This GIS data set represents the state bounds of Florida, including both land and water areas. The offshore boundary was acquired from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Submerged Lands Act shapefile.
Florida State Waters Boundary
This GIS data set represents the Florida approximate state waters line, based on the Submerged Lands Act.
Waterways Florida | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation …
Jan 1, 2004 · These GIS data depict navigational routes commonly used in Florida. Many of these routes are officially designated navigational channels or waterways. Others are just well known but unmarked pathways from one location to another.