Metamorphic zone - Wikipedia
Barrovian metamorphism takes place during regional metamorphism, caused by crustal thickening in the roots of an orogenic belt (under mountain chains). Barrovian zones are especially easy to recognize in pelitic rocks.
Regional Metamorphism - Tulane University
In this area, Barrow (1893) mapped metamorphic zones in pelitic rocks based on mineral assemblages he observed in a small part the area. This mapping was later extended across the Scottish Highlands to cover most of the Dalradian and Moinian Series as shown in the map.
14 Metamorphism of Pelitic Rocks – Open Petrology - OpenGeology
The series of minerals depicted in Figure 14.1 and Table 14.1 is the Barrovian Series, named in honor of George Barrow. These minerals form in pelitic rocks when metamorphism occurs at conditions on a Barrovian P-T path, shown by a black arrow in Figure 14.3.
Metamorphic series - Wikipedia
Metamorphic series include the Barrovian and Buchan series of metamorphic rocks. George Barrow was a geologist in Scotland who discovered the Barrovian series. [1] These are also called metamorphic facies series.
Map of the Buchan Block displaying major magmatic bodies and …
This contribution presents a new model for the Grampian-age tectonothermal development of the Buchan Block and Barrovian-type regions to its west, in the Grampian Terrane, Scotland.
Metamorphism of the Buchan type-area, NE Scotland and its …
The metamorphism of the Buchan block in northeast Scotland, and its relation to the Barrovian domain to its west, have been reassessed from consideration of mineral assemblages, microstructures, phase equilibrium modelling and monazite U–Pb geochronology.
Metamorphism, Grampian Highlands - MediaWiki
This transition between the Barrovian and Buchan series was formalised by Harte and Hudson (1979) who defined four zonal sequences, namely, in order of decreasing pressure: Barrovian (biotite–> garnet–> staurolite–> kyanite); Stonehavian (biotite–> garnet–> chloritoid + biotite–> staurolite–> silliman-ite); West Buchan (biotite ...
Barrovian and Buchan type metamorphism in the Pan-African …
Sep 1, 2004 · Peak metamorphic conditions of the Barrovian and Buchan zones indicate peak pressure-temperature ratios of ~20°C/km and 50°C/km, respectively. The Barrovian-type terrane is probably linked...
P-T constraints and the 16 proposed metamorphic P-T paths derived from these. Prograde greenschists in green, amphibolites in yellow, granulite in orang.
Buchan type metamorphism needs an additional source of heat compared to Barrovian type metamorphism (which is characterised by the growth of garnet and kyanite), the latter of which is generally considered to result from ‘normal’ continental collision (such as in the Alps or the Himalaya). Barrovian type metamorphism characterises the bulk of