This course is an introduction to fundamental computing principles and programming techniques for creative cultural practitioners, with special consideration to applications in the visual arts, music, ...
Tom: Monday 1:20-1:50pm, Wednesday 1:20-1:50pm, In class and just outside the lecture room Communication: Piazza is intended for all future announcements, general questions about the course, ...
This course provides a thorough, hands-on introduction to automated theorem proving. It consists of a traditional lecture component and a joint project in which we will construct a theorem prover. The ...
Individual lecture notes handed out in class are listed on the course schedule page. Here are the complete set and some additional supporting papers. To avoid copyright issues, these are posted for ...
From smart phones, to multi-core CPUs and GPUs, to the world's largest supercomputers, parallel processing is ubiquitous in modern computing. The goal of this course is to provide a deep understanding ...
We introduce the heat method for solving the single- or multiple-source shortest path problem on both flat and curved domains. A key insight is that distance computation can be split into two stages: ...
# Quotes enclose characters to tell Python "this is a string!" # single-quoted or double-quoted strings are the most common print('single-quotes') print("double ...
New instruments for imaging human brain activity, such as fMRI, offer a wonderful opportunity to study mechanisms in the brain. Our group develops statistical machine learning algorithms to analyze ...
Define the following logic terms and apply them to real-world problems: Describe the simple model checking algorithm and the theorem proving algorithms - forward chaining and resolution, what they ...
15-210 aims to teach methods for designing, analyzing, and programming sequential and parallel algorithms and data structures. The emphasis is on teaching fundamental concepts applicable across a wide ...
Download slides Hint: You can change the video speed using the "Settings" gear on the bottom right. If speed control doesn't appear, go to ...
This course provides a broad and pragmatic foundation in the most basic tool of the programmer: programming languages. It starts with the fundamentals of syntax, parsing, and binding, the core ...