After a decade under the helm of Jonas Holmberg, the 48th Göteborg Film festival will inaugurate a new era under the reign of ...
“The End,” by director Joshua Oppenheimer (“The Act of Killing,” “The Look of Silence”), is a gloomy musical about perhaps the only six people left on Earth: an oilman and his trophy ...
In Slate’s annual Movie Club, film critic Dana Stevens emails with fellow critics—for 2024, Bilge Ebiri, K. Austin Collins, ...
Nearly a decade ago, Joshua Oppenheimer accompanied a Central Asian oil tycoon on a shopping trip for a doomsday bunker. Oppenheimer, an acclaimed documentarian, wondered about the emotional ...
Mother (Tilda Swinton) is having a bad dream. Sleeping beside her is the sweet and affable Father (Michael Shannon). She wrestles herself out of a nightmare and is comforted by her husband.
Part end-of-days fairy tale, part family drama and, most unexpectedly, part song-and-dance musical, this debut dramatic ...
Joshua Oppenheimer’s wild swing for the fences. A Sondheim-esque tale that’s tuneful and atonal in equal measures, this tale of a collective living in extravagance as the world gasps its last ...
"The End" is filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer's reckoning with the end times and humanity's last stand. As much as it's about the end it's about how we act now, the truths we bury and the lies we tell ...