The Bombay High Court on Thursday observed that it will no longer monitor the probe into the 2015 murder of Communist Party of India leader and rationalist writer Govind Pansare. The court ...
Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Thursday decided to cease monitoring the investigation into the 2015 murder of Communist Party of India (CPI) leader Govind Pansare, while directing the sessions ...
The Bombay high court on Thursday discontinued its monitoring of the probe in the 2015 murder of communist leader and rationalist writer Govind Pansare while asking the sessions court to expedite ...
The Bombay High Court on Thursday discontinued its monitoring of the probe in the 2015 murder of communist leader and rationalist writer Govind Pansare while asking the sessions court to expedite the ...
MUMBAI: The Bombay High Court on Thursday discontinued its monitoring of the probe in the 2015 murder of communist leader and rationalist writer Govind Pansare while asking the sessions court to ...
leader Govind Pansare. The HC disposed of petitions filed by his kin for a thorough probe and also those filed by a few accused in the case who challenged the continuing monitoring of the probe by ...
Govind Pansare, a Communist Party of India (CPI) leader and writer, and his wife, Uma, were shot in Kolhapur city in western Maharashtra on February 15, 2015, while on a morning walk.
Pansare and his wife were shot by unidentified assailants in Kolhapur during their morning walk on February 16, 2015. While his wife survived, the CPI leader died at a Mumbai hospital on February 20.
Lankesh was shot dead by two motorcycle-borne assassins outside her home in Bengaluru on the night of September 5, 2017. Of ...
Govind Pansare, a Communist Party of India (CPI) leader and writer, and his wife Uma were shot in Kolhapur city of western Maharashtra on February 15, 2015, while on a morning walk. He succumbed ...
The Bombay High Court on Thursday decided to end its monitoring of the progress made by the police in the investigation of the case concerning the 2015 murder of Communist Party of India (CPI) leader ...