Welcome to the Age of Adaptation, when a growing number of people are coming to realize that the Big, Bad Climate Wolf isn’t ...
The WaterShed recently opened its Climate + Water Education Center, which focuses on life in the Boise River watershed.
As the world gets closer to the mark 1.5 degrees Celsius in Paris climate agreement, scientists are racing to establish a ...
Dozens of companies and academic groups are pitching the same theory: that sinking rocks, nutrients, crop waste or seaweed in ...
While we cannot directly attribute this to human-amplified climate change, in a warming world, more precipitation will fall ...
JPMorgan Chase & Co said its asset management unit has left a flagship industry climate effort, a blow to the group that had ...
A Times reporter co-wrote a guide to buying a home in an era of record heat, floods and billion-dollar disasters.
The European Commission has delayed its plan to propose a new EU climate target in the first quarter of this year, pushing ...
B arbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has become a leading champion of small economies in global climate discussions. And so I ...
The US is stalling the distribution of $2.6 billion in climate finance to South Africa, stoking concerns the money might be ...
The administration is "rejecting flat-out the science," he says, "about the single most dangerous thing that’s ever happened.