Rick Steves, the one-man brand behind a European ... Door” in the 1990s when my college roommate and I set out with our youth Eurail passes and no plan beyond a starting point in Rome.
How to be a “good” tourist, gain a global perspective, and truly explore other ways of living were among the topics highlighted.
Rick Steves is coming to Minnesota soon but he would ... Steves describes as an “anthropological dig” into his own youth: “When I read it now, I see a more unguarded, a more candid, a ...
Thankfully, travel expert and writer Rick Steves has a practical solution for ... when full hostels meant he had to get creative. "The youth hostel where I had planned to stay was full, and ...
Whether you first encountered Rick Steves via his popular line of guidebooks or his genial series of PBS travel shows, you probably already recognize him as the Northwest’s preeminent authority ...
Read more: Rick Steves' Most And Least Favorite Places ... about their things being stolen when you're staying in youth hostels, Steves says that theft is very unlikely at European campgrounds.