Adults may react differently. To them guardian angels might seem weird, intrusive, or maybe a little hokey. We like to think ...
As we learn about the spiritual reality of life, we perceive and experience more of our inherent health and wholeness.
I discovered that each Tennessee county has its own unique community spirit with dedicated followers of Jesus who are ready and willing to serve.
Lisa Troseth, practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing and international speaker, will present her talk, “Moving past fear to healing,” at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19, at 110 Clear Creek ...
by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Christians worldwide often view the Bible through the lens of their own national cultures, whether African, Asian, Latin American, or otherwise. Despite these cultural filters, God’s Word remains ...
This is Viaticum, food for the journey. Members of the local Church may wish to join the family in a vigil of prayer. After the person's death, the family is encouraged to continue in prayer ...
Graphical representation of the proposal for anal breathing proposed by a Japanese scientific team.MED A Japanese study that found mammals can breathe through their anus is one of the papers ...
Nasha is a Managing Editor for CNET, overseeing our sleep and wellness verticals. She is a nutrition, mental health, fitness and sleep science enthusiast. Her passion for mindful and holistic ...
Take away the action on the football field, and through my camera lens I saw guys in their mid-to-late seventies happy to still have their health and greet each other, enjoying a few laughs and ...
“In the days of Noah, it wasn’t just sin that grieved God’s heart; it was the genetic corruption,” Crone said. “God hit a restart button on humanity… Now, we are seeing this same scenario playing out.
Carriage Factory Gallery is currently hosting two exhibitions. Echoes of Nature Art Exhibit featuring Lora Jost, Scott Jost, Kim Brook, and Carolyn Wedel through Sept. 13. Abstraction, an exhibit ...