Yellowstone National Park has a new thermal vent spewing steam in the air that could be visible to tourists once visitors flock back into the park.
Our scientists study the Earth, and other planets, on scales from the molecular to the planetary scale; from the microsecond to the geological time scale; and from its birth about 4500 million years ...
David McLay Kidd made a name for himself by building a course in a far-flung outpost far from any major cities. His Bandon ...
When the quake sequence began, many believed Santorini’s undersea volcano Kolumbo would erupt, she said. Nomikou said she has been studying the volcano, situated 4.3 miles (7 kilometers) northeast of ...
The man, who like others we spoke to requested we not print his name out of fear his blackmailers may find him, says his experience with his predator paled in comparison to what happened when he tried ...
The U.S. Geological Survey has released a new assessment that concludes there are47 million barrels of oil and 876 billion ...
HIGHLIGHTS •Aircore drilling to test priority targets expected to commence in late-March, weather dependent, at the Balla ...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessed that the upper Paleozoic reservoirs of the Wind River, Bighorn and Powder River ...
The US Geological Survey released its assessment of potential for undiscovered oil and gas in formations under Wyoming and ...
A GSA planning document dated March 10 lists the dates when many of the cancellations are expected to go into effect, including four in Nebraska.
The scientists responsible for crucial fish and wildlife research projects in the West involving species like elk, mule deer, ...