Bupa research has found three in four UK adults don't know their blood pressure, and half don't know their weight.
Is your heart older than the rest of your body? This online tool can give you an insight into your cardiovascular health.
The NHS is calling on the public to take a quick 30-second test that could reveal their risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. This free online tool assesses your "heart age" and, as a result, ...
Information required by the calculator includes your: Weight Height Blood pressure levels Cholesterol levels. The NHS further mentioned: "You can still use this calculator if you do not have your ...
well off the chart, he was still deemed ineligible for the NHS criteria, which demand a BMI over 35 plus at least one ...
The amount of formula your baby needs depends on his age, weight and if you're also feeding him breastmilk or solids. Use our ...
THERE isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet and exercise.  Everybody is different after all – not just ...
With our handy 'how many calories should I eat' calculator ... to work out yours. The NHS recommends aiming to lose 0.5g to 1kg per week until you reach a 'healthy' weight for your height ...
Former NHS doctor Dr Rupy Aujla tells Vicky Jessop about the new science on protein, why protein shakes can harm your gut, and shares his favourite three recipes ...
“In the lead-up to the surgery, my nerves were off the charts, and I found it hard to focus on work. It affected my relationships too, as I started pushing people away. However, after the operation, ...
The principles of lipid management for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and how nurses can put these into ...