This list of the top public high schools in Pretoria is a must-check. It highlights the best institutions to enroll your teenagers in and how well they pay attention to their academics and talents.
Hoërskool Waterkloof in Pretoria achieved the highest number of distinctions of all government schools in South Africa and outperformed most private schools in the country. Department of Basic ...
Bertus de Bruyn is based in Mbombela, Mpumalanga. De Bruyn has been employed by Caxton since 2009. After a short sabbatical of two years, De Bruyn is back at the place he called home, Caxton, at ...
’n Groot man met ’n ewe groot hart wat vir die mense ná aan hom – sy gesin, sy familie en die lede van sy motorfietsklub – ’n anker teen die lewe se storms was. Paul Pretorius (47), die klubpresident ...
Nadat gure reënweer veroorsaak het dat Woensdag se Pretoria C-bond Atletiek-interhoër gekanseleer moes word, was die agt deelnemers aan die stad se B-bond Interhoër meer gelukkig en kon dié ...