Newark City Schools will build a new turf practice field at Newark High School and name it after a longtime band director Randy Lamb.
State Superintendent Jill Underly, seeking a second term, casts herself as experienced and capable of leading schools through ...
A new center designed to help Rockford Public Schools students explore career options is slated to open this fall.
Newtown-based Sandy Hook Promise has reached more than 13 million through the peer-to-peer program to end gun violence ...
The Boston School Committee is moving forward with plans to shutter schools, impacting three high schools and one elementary ...
The controversy over payment of transportation expenses for Parkside students attending county high schools was settled at ...
Of the nearly quarter-million teens in the Class of ‘24, just under half, or 43%, used tests generally considered easier to ...
During Howard County Executive Calvin Ball’s second budget public hearing, many residents called for him to fully fund the ...
The curriculum would be implemented as two stand-alone courses between grades 8 and 12, helping prepare students to "function ...
The bill would shorten the time CT students spend in transitional education programs, which prepare them for life outside of ...
Several former Red Lake High School students, with the support of a former teacher, say it’s time to publicly memorialize ...
Two Houston ISD leaders discuss their work to identify more high schoolers who are ready for advanced courses and help them ...