Police were called to a reported knife incident near a Sheffield College site, after an ‘altercation’ between two teenage ...
President, Carroll Community College Since: July 2024 Dinner for four and you get to invite any three other people to join you. Who would they be? Leonardo DaVinci, Pope John Paul II and [Olympic ...
Here are some of the best things to do this weekend in San Diego from Friday, March 21 to Sunday, March 23.
Liam Grossman, a senior computer science major at Grove City College from Warsaw, has been named to the dean's list with high distinction for the fall 2024 semester.
Soon enough, Justin DeGraaf will experience the sharp turn that transports him from his college years to the rest of his life.
Grove City College has tapped one of its own to serve as its 10th president, according to an announcement from the Christian ...
Grove City senior Izzie Gamble recently signed her letter of intent to continue her academic and basketball careers at Grove ...
All twelve public universities in Florida are complying with a 2023 law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis that mandates public ...
Lingo will assume the post in July after completing the academic year at Regent University School of law, where he serves as dean.
Grove City College announced the selection of Bradley J. Lingo as its new president after a unanimous vote of the board of ...
Grove City College announced it has selected Bradley Lingo as the College’s 10th president, following a unanimous vote of the board of trustees. Lingo, who graduated summa cum laude from Grove City ...
Bradley J. Lingo graduated summa cum laude from the college in 2000 and has a background in academics and business economics ...