Jack of all trades, master of none, as the saying goes, and that’s especially true for PCB prototyping tools. Sure, it’s ...
Sure, it’s possible to use a CNC router to mill out a PCB, and ditto for a fiber laser. But neither tool is perfect; the router creates a lot of dust and the fiberglass eats a lot of tools ...
Coordinated by Laserline, the consortium succeeded in writing the fiber Bragg gratings into quartz fibers with a core ...
Availability The Coherent AIM series of fiber lasers will be available globally with power levels up to 1.5kW immediately, and 2-3kW lasers from June 2025. As a trusted partner in laser technology, ...
Coherent (COHR) announces the release of its AIM FL series of industrial, multi-kilowatt single mode fiber lasers. The company said, “This ...
A semiconductor-based laser used to generate analog signals or digital pulses for transmission through optical fibers. Both laser diodes and LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are used for this purpose ...
In this study, researchers developed a novel composite thin-disk structure based on ... results showed that when the laser was pumped by a 1,940 nm Tm-doped fiber laser with a 1.8 mm diameter ...
More information: Lei Huang et al, High-efficiency 6-hole structure anti-resonant hollow-core fiber 2.79 μm Cr,Er:YSGG high-energy pulse laser transmission system, Optics & Laser Technology (2024).