Ask someone to visualize an orchestra conductor, and the image will probably be male. Female music directors remain as rare with top orchestras and opera companies as female CEOs at major ...
A director wanted an all-female orchestra, which was harder than Georgia Stitt imagined. The search led Stitt to build the ...
The Philadelphia Orchestra has named a new assistant conductor, Naomi Woo. She's early in her career but already making a ...
A Celebration of Female Composers and Musicians,” at 7:30 p.m. March 15 at the Mishler Theatre in Altoona. The program ...
A concert Thursday night at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in Kenosha will highlight women composers, featuring a ...
Use the tabs below to find out about each section of the orchestra, watch video clips, and read interviews with musicians. Who's that waving their hands at the front? A conductor does a lot more ...