Ex-Union County Ohio Humane executive director Steffen Baldwin was sentenced to over 15 years in prison for animal cruelty, ...
Several dogs have been euthanized and two Fort Worth animal shelters are temporarily closing after an outbreak of distemper.
Authorities charged a man Tuesday with animal cruelty in connection after a dog was stabbed multiple times, according to the ...
Shelter officials confirmed to ABC24 that MAS will close following two outbreaks of canine distemper virus at the shelter in ...
TIFTON, Ga. (WALB) - On Feb. 14, owner of Steadfast Animal Rescue, Jessica Pisciotta, received a letter from the city saying she had 30 days to relocate her wild animal rescue facility that she ...
The Humane Society of Sheboygan County has been dealing with death threats after it euthanized one of its longest-resident ...
Indianapolis Animal Care Services says its kennels are critically over-crowded, and staff members are doing everything they ...
Many of the dogs were iiving in standing water, surrounded by feces, without have adequate food or water. Others had open ...
Tully, N.Y. — A man has been arrested after seven animals he abandoned in a Tully home were found dead, Central New York SPCA officers said. Charles E. Kehrer, 42, was arrested last Wednesday after ...
Thomasville’s stray animal problem has shifted from euthanasia to promoting pet adoption, education on sterilization, and ...