Large-area coverage can be achieved by low-temperature ... type semiconductor. This led to the suggestion of Fermi level pinning occurring at the semiconductor–metal interface. Such effects ...
In the wake of AI, unprecedented demand for data and computing power is outstripping capabilities. This will drive the ...
The field of junctionless field-effect transistors (JLFETs) and nanowire technology has seen significant advancements in recent years. The current state of ...
Scientists at the University of Twente have developed a way to create highly ordered semiconductor material at room temperature. This UT research was published today in Nature Synthesis.
Scientists at the University of Twente (UT), The Netherlands, have developed a new laser-based method to create highly-ordered semiconductor material at room temperature. The scientists say that this ...
The series resistance is 0.609 Ω. The centre wavelength shifts to a longer wavelength with the increasing temperature at a rate of 0.275288 nm/K. High power 940 nm semiconductor quantum-well-structure ...
They are typically composed of three main components: a transparent conducting oxide (TCO) substrate-based working electrode with wide-bandgap semiconductors and dye ... various functional materials ...
Look closely at this image, stripped of its caption, and join the moderated conversation about what you and other students see. By The Learning Network Look closely at this image, stripped of ...
These can be useful when discussing your feelings about a text. One way to explain the effect of a writers’ words is to choose a precise verb to make the effect clear. Here are some examples of ...
Tests at room ambient temperature using radiated and injected transients are more convenient. Several representative types of test equipment are tabulated and described here. The ESD energy can range ...