Invasive trees are a threat to rangelands. Early detection is key to rapid response in managing them. The tamarisk tree is ...
If you're growing fruit trees, then harvesting the (literal) fruits of your labor is the most exciting part. To speed that ...
As winter fades and temperatures rise, it's time to give your Japanese maples the attention they need to thrive in the ...
Last week’s storm caused a 50-foot cedar tree in Pioneer Park to snap at the base and become pinned under the eave at the ...
One of the loveliest spring-blooming trees on our property is the serviceberry, Amelanchier x grandiflora. It is a cultivar ...
Residents on Cedar Park Drive, Page Drive and Whiteoak Crescent worry about safety and privacy with trails behind their ...
By Aislinn Sarnacki Have you ever noticed how much tree bark varies in texture, color and pattern? If your answer is “no,” I ...
With trees deemed healthy being cut down, arborists unite to protect the thousands more that are tagged for removal ...
On Thursday morning, along a portion of Seventh Avenue SE, the long arm of a Sennebogen reached up to top of an ash tree, gripped it and with the saw attached at the end shored it off and brought it ...
the team believes that it lived in trees and could vertically cling to tree trunks and branches. Its molar teeth had crests that are used to break down abrasive material, which suggests an ...
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board says someone vandalized trees near Cedar Point Beach. They say someone illegally cut down trees near Cedar Lake Road and West Franklin Avenue next to the ...
Some have experienced smoke damage and may have looked dead in their bare winter appearance, but a scratch beneath the bark’s surface shows that many of the trees will regrow. And after the ...