The tea plant cultivar ‘Camellia sinensis var. Huangdan’, grown in Meizhuang Village, Huqiu Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province (24°54′29′′N, 117°51′42′′E), were used in this study. Samples from five ...
The woman, Camellia Gocan, explained that she was driving around the Surprise area when she saw a group of anti-Trump protesters at the intersection. In response, she decided to wave a pro-Trump ...
Un studiu realizat de o companie de pe piața insolvenței și a restructurărilor relevă faptul că datoriile așa-numitelor „companii de impact” au crescut cu 8% anul trecut, iar numărul ...
Most Southerners know about winter- and spring-blooming camellias (Camellia japonica), but there are fall-blooming hybrids, too (C. sasanqua), which have their own planting and tending requirements.
Alexandra Ianculescu, născută la Sibiu în 1991, a reprezentat România la Jocurile Olimpice de Iarnă de la Pyeong Chang (2018) în proba de patinaj viteză. Ea a fost prezentă doar în proba de 500 m, la ...
Inevitably, many grow bigger than you want and you have to prune. But when is the best time? That depends on the species of camellia. (Camellia japonica) is the most popular. It forms a dense plant 10 ...