A former switching station for travelers along the old Oregon-to-California Trail, the property is a peaceful retreat.
Tucked along historic Route 66, Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch is a one-of-a-kind roadside wonder. With hundreds of colorful glass bottles shimmering in the desert sun, this folk art masterpiece tells a ...
The hike takes visitors along an old ranch road to see remains of a historic ... Climbers flock to Joshua Tree from around the world to tackle the literally thousands of routes open to them.
The Elston Family held their 6th Annual Bull Sale on February 20th at the ranch. They offer a great set of aged, big, rugged rancher type bulls that get out and cover a lot of cows. The week long ...
Betty Taylor For New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung Feb 26, 2011 Feb 26, 2011 0 NEW BRAUNFELS — About a year ago, a series of events culminated to bring people together at the crossroads of Herbelin Road ...