Parents joined students and staff at Brazosport Christian School came together for See You at the Pole, a global day of ...
The story of the Jews as an indigenous people is one of the oldest but best-kept secrets of mankind. It is a story whose ...
My prayer for my grandson is that he will have the same spirit as his biblical namesake. And my prayer for you is that you, ...
Florida pastor Melvin Adams knows a few hours of church programming every week is no match for the more than 30 hours ...
Growing up on a farm indelibly shaped my understanding of God and his creation. It’s an increasingly uncommon experience.
As a conservative Republican, I did not vote for President Jimmy Carter in 1980 and often disagreed with his policies and public statements.
Many younger evangelicals, however, are open to new ideas and appear to accept the scientific evidence. One Pew study found a ...
A new day shone brilliantly as morning rose over Flagstaff, Arizona. The skies were clear. The day was cool. I woke up in my ...
As president of a college ministry, I see young Christians on secular campuses modeling what it means to be good neighbors.
With more options than ever for educating children, many families are weighing the pros and cons of homeschooling versus ...