Skolās no 2026./.2027. mācību gada sāks pakāpeniski atteikties no krievu valodas kā otrās svešvalodas apguves pamatizglītībā, to paredz valdībā akceptētās izmaiņas Ministru kabineta noteikumos "Par ...
Don't throw away that malfunctioning toaster. Get it fixed free, help the environment, and minimize the need to buy new products from places such as the United States.
SUAMICO (WLUK) -- The NEW Zoo is mourning the loss of one of its lions. Ajia, the female lioness, passed away peacefully Monday with the help of euthanasia, the zoo said. Ajia had been under close ...
SUAMICO, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — The NEW Zoo is mourning the loss of one of its lions. Aija, the female lioness, passed away peacefully Monday with the help of euthanasia, the zoo said. Aija had been under ...