To paraphrase the poet Petrarch's summary of the enemies of peace: human fear, avarice, anger, pride and ambition frustrate solutions. After WWII, major powers attempted to appease, buy off, ignore, ...
The SBU is the successor to the Ukrainian branch of the KGB. After Ukrainian became independent in 1991, obvious KGB loyalists were fired but many vets remained and they perpetuated a culture of ...
January 2, 2025: In 2018 Norway openly complained about Russia deliberately jamming GPS signals in Norway. The jamming was done from a Russian military base in the Kola Peninsula on the Barents Sea, ...
January 1, 2025: At a high school in the northwestern city of Arkhangelsk, high school students have been using 3-D printers to produce grenade components for Russian soldiers in Ukraine. The ...
December 8, 2024: In mid-2023 the Southern Africa Development Community, SADAC, extended its military mission in Mozambique. A year later on Oct. 24 Daniel Chapo won the Oct. 9 election, extending ...
Soldiers have been fighting the Arakan Army/AA rebels in the area since mid-2019 and periods of active combat have been increasingly common in the last few months. Not a lot of casualties but enough ...
During Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, a large numbers of airspace users needed access to the division s battlespace. Whether it was fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or ...
South Korea has become the seventh nation to use Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles or SLBMs. The second version of the KSS-III submarines featured a number of firsts. They were non-nuclear, the first ...
Recently Russia’s problems multiplied with Russian troops being chased out of Syria by a surprise attack by a reinvigorated HTS Islamic terrorist group in northern Syria. These attacks quickly ran all ...
If they do not order using firepower to keep civilians and enemy infiltrators away from your troops, then he has to suffer losses when the enemy infiltrators get behind friendly lines and begin ...
Shortly after the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in April of 1942, the Japanese began planning for a decisive battle in the vicinity of Midway, to take place in June. The Coral Sea operation in May was ...
The PLA Aviation Corps Table of Organization Revision 3.1 ...