Arp 105 is located around 400 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Ursa Major. Also known as NGC 3561, it was discovered by the British astronomer John Herschel on March 30, ...
Physicists with the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider have announced the first observation of VVZ production — a rare combination of three massive vector bosons. As the carriers of ...
As our Solar System orbits the Milky Way, it encounters various environments, including dense regions of the interstellar medium. These encounters can expose parts of the Solar System to the ...
Paleontologists have found the 4.9-million-year-old (Early Pliocene) fossilized remains of the extinct flying squirrel Miopetaurista webbi in Tennessee, the United States. The occurrence of the genus ...
A new genus and species of titanosaur has been identified from the fossilized remains found in the Hațeg Basin in Transylvania, western Romania. The newly-identified species lived on Hațeg Island, a ...
A team of researchers at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut has conducted high-pressure-temperature laboratory experiments to determine the crystal structure and density of the iron-sulfide phase in the ...
Primitive amphibians called temnospondyls survived the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction, which occurred about 252 million years ago, by feeding on freshwater prey that evaded terrestrial ...
Scientists have produced the first chromosome-scale genome assembly of the white oak (Quercus alba), an abundant forest tree species across eastern North America that is ecologically, culturally, and ...
More than four times stronger than the Gulf Stream, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is the world’s strongest ocean current and plays a disproportionate role in the climate system due to its ...
Giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) belong to the order Carnivora, but they mainly feed on bamboo, and their unique dietary adaptability has always been the focus of research. Recent studies ...
Two young protostars are responsible for the shimmering ejections of gas and dust that gleam in orange, blue, and purple in this color image of a portion of the dark cloud Lynds 483 from the ...
University of Adelaide’s Dr. Ross Young and colleagues from the QCDSF Collaboration are exploring the structure of subatomic matter to try and provide further insight into the forces that underpin the ...