The current summer season shows: vacations in Tirol are in demand. Germany is by far the most important country of origin, ...
The number of asylum applications continues to fall. Particularly few applications were made in August. In addition, several ...
A disturbing murder case has shocked people in the USA: after a 14-year-old girl shot her mother dead, video surveillance ...
Albin Gashi is Admira's difference-maker, but also drives coach Thomas Silberberger to "white heat". On Friday, the ...
"Kiwi" survived a bait, but now the purebred German shepherd was no longer able to withstand a new poison mixture: his fate ...
One of the biggest wishes of all children is probably to have their own TV! And preferably in the children's room, with all ...
The seriously ill German actor Heinz Hoenig has been released into home care after 143 days in intensive care. The "Das Boot" ...
A grip broke: a tourist fell 20 to 25 meters during a climbing tour on the Traunstein. His companion was able to secure him, ...
Trophies get under the skin of Rapids' Bendeguz Bolla.The Hungarian is one of 10 possible derby debutants on Sunday.
Seven games, seven defeats - goal difference: 15:32. It took the Pioneers Vorarlberg longer to finally get going against any ...
Die laufende Sommersaison zeigt: Urlaub in Tirol ist gefragt. Deutschland ist mit Abstand das wichtigste Herkunftsland, aber ...
Ein verstörender Mordfall schockiert in den USA: Nachdem eine 14-Jährige ihre Mutter erschossen hatte, zeigen Aufnahmen der ...