Ces derniers jours, une campagne de terreur a semé la désolation et la mort au Liban. Mardi, une explosion coordonnée de ...
For the past few days a campaign of terror has unleashed havoc and death in Lebanon. On Tuesday a coordinated explosion of ...
Le statut d’organisme de bienfaisance du Fonds National Juif du Canada (FNJC) a officiellement été révoqué. Le 10 août, l’avis d’intention de révocation concernant le FNJC a été publié dans le journal ...
JNF Canada’s charity status has been officially revoked. On August 10th the revocation notice for JNF Canada was published in ...
JNF Canada’s charity status has been officially revoked. On August 10th the revocation notice for JNF Canada was published in the Canada Gazette, the official newspaper of the Canadian Government. […] ...
We mourn the deaths of six Israeli hostages found killed over the weekend just as we mourn the 47 Palestinians killed the same day by Israel, and the more than 40,000 people killed since October 7, ...
Nous pleurons la mort des six otages israélien.ne.s retrouvé.e.s tué.e.s ce week-end, tout comme nous pleurons les 47 Palestinien.ne.s tué.e.s le même jour par Israël, et les plus de 40 000 personnes ...
On August 21, over 100 Jewish institutions and synagogues in Canada received bomb threats. Independent Jewish Voices is appalled and outraged by these heinous acts of terror, which are a stark ...
Location: Remotely from anywhere in Canada. Closing Date: Monday, September 9, at 5 pm ET. Duration: One-year full-time contract with renewal a possibility. Who we are: Independent Jewish Voices ...
Les organisations pro-israéliennes au Canada tentent de faire une nouvelle victime de la campagne de « terreur civile » destinée à réduire au silence les critiques du génocide israélien à Gaza.
Pro-Israel organizations in Canada are trying to chalk up another victim of a campaign of “civil terror” meant to silence critics of the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Some Jewish organizations have called ...