Offered by the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences at The Faculty of Science The University's study counsellors can help you if you have a question about a course or programme. At least ...
A concert featuring Simon Rose, baritone saxophonist and composer, researcher and author. Simon Rose is a musician-composer, researcher and author from the United Kingdom and based in Berlin. He’s a ...
CGM seminar with Kristen Kao, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. This study explores immigrant inclusion at the neighborhood level through a conjoint ...
There is a high risk of increased metal emissions from coastal areas in the future. In a new model, researchers from the University of Gothenburg show that climate change and overpopulation can flush ...
Management & Organisation R/V Skagerak is a marine infrastructure at the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Gothenburg. In 2024, the University of Gothenburg also appointed a steering ...
Do you want to familiarize yourself with remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems? Perhaps you would like to advance your knowledge in Geophysics or get practical experience through an ...
The University of Gothenburg is a public authority under the government. As a higher education institution, our mission is to provide education and conduct research. We neither have the mandate nor ...
The University of Gothenburg Box 100 405 30 Gothenburg Sweden Main Switchboard Visiting address Huvudbyggnad Vasaparken, Universitetsplatsen 1 Org. nummer: 202100-3153 ...
Admission to the course requires a minimum of 30 credits of Statistics, of which at least 15 credits have obtained a passing grade, or 60 credits of Economics, of which at least 45 credits have ...
In healthcare, assessments are often made that result in a diagnosis. The word "diagnosis" comes from the Greek "Via Gnosis" (meaning "through knowledge") and essentially means that by gaining ...
Opponent and examining committee Opponent: Professor Norbert Gerdes, Division of Cardiology, Pulmonology, and Vascular Medicine, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany Examining committee: ...
Looking for a new study destination? The University of Gothenburg is a non-hierarchical, openminded environment, where your ambition can run free. Chat with our staff and student ambassadors to learn ...