I have been “forecasting” for years. It’s my way of budgeting and planning. My kids also use this method. Here is my planned spending for next month. Praying there are no surprises because I am ...
Three of my five children, my three sons are now wholly independent of me financially. And the remaining two should be standing on their own two feet within the next 12 months or sooner. My two oldest ...
Did you see my plan for the Frontier card? It was presented somewhere previously. Thoughts? Smart or dumb move? To summarize, I had planned to pay off the Frontier card in October and then use it for ...
I’ve been keeping a secret from you all. But I want to share an important family update. We have added a member to our family! We got a new dog! It all started during the second semester of last ...
The decision has been made. The plans have been made. I am headed to Texas in a couple of weeks for an open ended stay with my parents. I wrote about the tug I’d been feeling to go. And I have decided ...
I have had several commentors ask about savings goals. Right now my focus is on getting 100% completely out of debt. I agree that having a 6 months cushion would be ideal. And will definitely be a ...
Another debt bites the dust. Amazon CC debt be gone! Some of you may remember that this debt has been almost gone before…just a few months ago. And then I went a little spend happy and ran it back up.
Last fall things got really, really tight. I had lost my dream corporate job in the summer of 2022. Then my contract job was a significant cut in pay. Then it ended versus becoming a full time ...