Illustration of the strong interaction in the proton–deuteron system produced in proton–proton collisions at the LHC. (Image: ALICE/CERN) In an article recently published in Physical Review X, the ...
At a seminar held at CERN this week, the NA62 collaboration reported the unequivocal confirmation of the ultra-rare decay of ...
Genève, le 25 septembre 2024. Lors d'un séminaire tenu cette semaine au CERN, la collaboration NA62 a confirmé sans équivoque ...
Making up 70% of the universe and responsible for its accelerated expansion, Dark energy is the biggest mystery in cosmology. A simple model where dark energy is described as a cosmological constant ...
Virtual session to catch presentations that did not make it to the Paris workshop. Contact the relevant conveners if you'd like to present something.
"Neutron science is used in fields as diverse as radiotherapy, radioisotope production, nuclear waste management, or transmutation. In response to the increasing demand for neutron production ...
The PS, SPS, LEP and LHC (from left to right) span 70 years of CERN - what's next? (Image: CERN) (Image: CERN) Welcome to the digital edition of the September/October 2024 issue of CERN Courier. The ...
Humanitarian Designers (HD) is dedicated to building bridges between aid workers and designers. We are a community of leaners, practitioners and allies. Our mission is to raise awareness and educate, ...
In this talk, I am going to discuss the beta-decay of nuclei in the north and south regions of 208 Pb nucleus [1-2] using large scale shell-model calculations. The β--decay properties, such as the log ...
The exploration of newer and more exotic nuclear systems at ISOLDE comes with challenges related to very short half-lives, low production efficiency, or difficulties regarding certain elements’ ...
Le LHC, la plus grande machine supraconductrice du monde, illustre comment la physique des particules et le CERN ont joué un ...