An international argument between Poland and the USSR nearly erupted due to an unusual triumphant gesture from the pole vault champion at the 1980 Olympics. Władysław Kozakiewicz's beaming face and ...
What sounds do you make when you’re stalled for words? And how well can you roll your ‘R’? The answers to questions like these often have a lot to do with your native tongue. What pronunciation ...
Is Kashubia passé? What can stereotypes and the Polonization of the region lead to? Can you become Kashubian? We talk to a reporter, podcaster and translator who is working on a book about her native ...
The world’s most-popular philosophical novella for children and adults, ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is available in nearly 400 languages – including the Greater Polish, Silesian, ...
As daguerreotypes of insurgents in ‘czamary’ and mourning crinolines attest, fashion, design and photography became tools of resistance during the January Uprising. Under the partitions, Poles ...
The first Polish skis? Two boards – one ash wood, the other beech – thin like a school ruler, tied onto the feet with rope. But the enthusiasm for these ‘swift boards’ and ‘travelling by ski’ soon ...
A monumental example of 19th-century industrial architecture, reflecting Warsaw's transformation during industrialization.
How did a design style with winter iconography help in creating a Polish national identity? Why were Poles buying ...
Навіть у добу діджиталізації та штучного інтелекту сотні людей з усієї Польщі щороку збираються у Кракові в перший четвер ...
Неонові вогні мегаполіса майбутнього чи жаский пісок далекої планети? «Cyberpunk 2077» та «The Invincible» — дві гри від ...
Вам набридли блискучі прикраси, товсті танцюючі Санта-Клауси, американські колядки та візерунки сніжинок? Подивіться роботи ...
Сучасні вечірки рідко нагадують пишні бали, які в минулому влаштовували у маєтках і замках. Тим, хто шукає атмосферу ...