Making sure your pet is either microchipped or wearing a pet tag helps keep your pet safe. To ensure that your pet is easily ...
One of the roughly 40 pet microchip monitoring companies suddenly went out of business, leaving pet owners wondering what to do about keeping their pets safe.
With a Texas based microchip monitoring company recently going inactive and not displaying pet owners information, we received a Verify email asking what to do.
In response to Clark County’s recent change in law that will make microchips mandatory for dogs and cats, Nevada SPCA is ...
Corpus Christi-based pet advocates offer help for pet owners whose pets were microchipped by shuttered company.
Austin-based "Save Their Life," a microchip company, abruptly went out of business last week, leaving many pet owners unsure of their status.
A pet owner panicked when she came home and learned that her boyfriend had accidentally given their dog Nellie an Ambien pill ...
MIDDLEBURY, Conn. (WTNH) — After nearly 40 years since the disappearance of the Lake Quassapaug sea monster carousel figurine ...
Put a sign outside your home stating you’ve found a pet. People searching for their animal may see it and reach out. You can ...
Victorville's newest animal shelter vows not to euthanize its animals, nor will it turn away any animal in need.
The American Animal Hospital Association says the microchip registry of Save This Life abruptly closed and their database is gone.
Microchips for your pet can be a lifesaver in case your animal runs away or gets lost. That's why there has been concern ...