Former President Donald Trump said once again that any American “Jewish person” who votes for Vice President Kamala Harris is ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that Jewish-American voters would be partly to blame if he ...
For many Jewish voters, Trump’s most recent comments seemed more biting — and rooted in vicious stereotypes — than his normal ...
At another event the same day hosted by the Israeli American Council, Trump doubled down on blaming things on Jewish people, ...
… “You should have your head examined, because it will face an unceasing, bloody war to obliterate the Jewish state and drive ...
Speaking at an antisemitism event on Thursday, former President Donald Trump suggested that US Jews would be partly to blame ...
During a Thursday night speech meant to address antisemitism, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump slammed Jewish ...
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) is proud to announce the launch of its "Flags of ...
At an antisemitism event, Trump attacked American Jews. The man is unraveling fast, and the sanewashing must stop now.
The effort could complicate Harris’ balancing act around the Gaza War as she seeks to keep Jewish votes in the Democratic ...
Setting up anyone to say “We lost because of the Jews” is outrageous and dangerous, the AJC statement said, as history has ...
“Last night, Donald Trump once again fanned the flames of antisemitism by trafficking in tropes blaming and scapegoating Jews ...