Friss hírek Magyarországról és a nagyvilágból, sport, technika, szórakozás, tudomány, kultúra. Az ORIGO a legfrissebb hazai és nemzetközi hírekkel szolgál olvasói számára.
A Skóciában eltűnt és holtan talált tornyospálcai ikerpár, Huszti Eliza és Henrietta halotti anyakönyvi kivonatában egyetlen ...
A tornyospálcai ikerpár, Huszti Henrietta és Eliza tragikus halála után apjuk teljesen összetört. Az eset mélyen megrázta a ...
Friss hírek Magyarországról és a nagyvilágból, sport, technika, szórakozás, tudomány, kultúra. Az ORIGO a legfrissebb hazai ...
Henrietta and Eliza Huszti, both 32, were found in the River Dee in Aberdeen over three weeks after they went missing - the ...
The cause of death for two sisters, discovered in a river two weeks after they went missing, has been revealed. Henrietta and Eliza Huszti, 32-year-old sisters and part of a set of triplets originally ...
The family of twin sisters who were found dead in Aberdeen have thanked the public for their “incredible kindness” after a ...
Eliza and Henrietta Huszti were found dead in the city's River Dee at the end of January in a case that grabbed national ...
A JustGiving page was launched to support the family of Eliza and Henrietta Huszti who tragically died after disappearing in ...
Police are concerned for the safety of two girls who are currently missing, with one of them having links to Nottingham. Ruby ...
In January, sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti went missing in Scotland and were found dead weeks later. Although their cause ...
Marking the anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 9/11 Memorial honored the six people who died, including ...