Herefordshire Council has proposed plans to build its third wetland at Dilwyn, between Leominster and Kington. An online ...
The bills would allow developers to buy credits for wetlands mitigation far from areas impacted and long before restoration ...
Many native plants in the U.S. cannot possibly move themselves fast enough to avoid climate-change-driven extinction. If ...
Terrestrial carbon sinks grew by 30% from 1992 to 2019, with most carbon stored in nonliving pools, not forests, prompting a ...
Wetlands and ephemeral streams provide a wide variety of benefits to people and wildlife, from flood protection for local ...
The Huron Valley Chapter of the Michigan Botanical Society will host a discussion about a 50-year plan to restore and ...
Cattails (Typha latifolia) are the iconic freshwater wetland plant. Where there is fresh water and some sun, there will be cattails.
Concerns regarding the Chautauqua Lake and New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) administration of ...
The Forest Park Conservancy last week appealed the decision by a city of Portland hearings officer to allow Portland General ...
Researchers from Chiba University and Nagoya University, Japan, have developed a highly accurate land cover map for Siberia, ...
Ewing said the area is zoned as residential and can accommodate four to eight dwelling units per acre. The plan proposes a ...
Chautauqua Lake is one of the most popular inland fishing waters in New York State. A survey conducted for the NYS Department ...