The upright Leica DMRXA microscope is equipped with a wide range of objective lenses from 10-100x, optical filters for routine four color imaging with a xenon lamp, motorized X, Y, and Z, and a CCD ...
Maintaining the high level of system flexibility, the BX53-P also accepts intermediate attachments available for the BX3 Series system microscopes, as well as cameras and imaging systems.
Here’s an oldie but a goodie. [RunnerPack] stumbled upon an article from 2001 about building a stereo microscope from a pair of binoculars and a camera lens. With a ring light attached to the ...
The CLS systems offer turnkey integration to virtually any upright or inverted microscope (not included) with access to the intermediate image plane (e.g., camera port) via a C-Mount threading.
The Pathology Core laboratory is equipped with a Nikon E-1000 upright fluorescent microscope equipped ... a workstation with software to control the microscope, confocal system, and the digital camera ...