In a dramatic turn of events, Phyllis Fong, the USDA Inspector General, was escorted out of her office for refusing to comply with her dismissal by the Trump administration. This incident raises ...
An inspector general was reportedly escorted out of her office after she failed to comply with mass firings initiated by ...
Senior staff are expected in the office by Feb. 3, managers and supervisors by Feb. 10, and telework employees by Feb. 18 — with some exceptions.
Just hours into his second term, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order called “Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary ...
Environmentalists say Trump is using the LA fires as cover to seize more control of the state’s precious water. Most Southern ...
Governor Ron DeSantis pledged to veto the recently passed immigration bill backed by Republicans in the legislature.
Flanked by Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Gov. Ron DeSantis said the bill would deter local law enforcement from deporting undocumented immigrants.