Islip officials consider potential revenue from cannabis dispensaries amid concerns about market dilution and public health.
Incumbents Thomas Kosowski, Candice Cantelo and Steve Radice seek reelection with Thomas McGinnis and Jennifer Bednarczyk ...
A Houston-based airline plans to begin offering discount flights to North Carolina and Florida in May from Long Island ...
Teri Grooms is running for election to the Jupiter Town Council First District At-large in Florida. Grooms is on the ballot in the general runoff election on March 25, 2025. [source] Grooms was on the ...
Phyllis Choy and Teri Grooms are running in the general runoff election for Jupiter Town Council First District At-large on March 25, 2025. = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection ...
Netflix's latest drama Toxic Town is revisiting one of the UK's biggest environmental scandals, shining a light on the horrifying real events behind the toxic waste scandal in Corby. Penned by ...
Netflix's latest drama Toxic Town tells the true story of one of the ... shops and restaurants. At least 4 of them are under schools. "No one faced any criminal charges for what happened in ...
March 4. Sarcone, who has built a long career in public service and law, will serve as the chief federal law enforcement officer for the Northern District, supervising 49 Assistant US Attorneys and a ...