A musician-owned and operated business, Rosebud Records, is opening in the Hannaford plaza on April 1, in time for Record ...
State's McElroy family has begun offering a T-shirt, themed around a piece of Huntington history, as a partnership with Charleston, West Virginia's Kin Ship Goods. The Born of Spite T-shirt is a piece ...
Mercy and compassion must be our first impulse when confronted with sin and human failure,' said the cardinal, who will fill ...
In the light of the Resurrection, we as a local Church must unswervingly understand our vocation as disciples of hope …’ ...
WATERLOO — It’s a very busy week in downtown. The World’s Greatest Spring Break for Kids is underway, and it is attracting droves of people to experience some of the city’s most popular sites. The ...
Cardinal Robert McElroy emphasized the importance of Christian hope, mercy, and respecting human dignity in a homily in the ...
Cardinal Robert McElroy, who has led nearly 1.4 million Catholics as Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego for the past ...
Women leaders in Catholic parishes, schools and other ministries are generally satisfied in their work, but many report ...
Cardinal Robert McElroy was installed March 11 as the eighth archbishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, during a nearly two ...
In his installation Mass, McElroy addressed some of the nation's current tensions but also emphasized the need for hope and ...
Mark Richards, who has been Franklin city engineer for the last eight years, is retiring Friday. Current assistant city ...
In an interview five days before he would be installed as the new archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Robert W. McElroy ...