How old is old? Say 70 years, 80 years, 90 years? Well, there are some figures in the Bible who lived to be nearly 1,000 ...
The man who introduced the novel printing process, Johannes Gutenberg, changed the history of printing and kick-started a new ...
The State Board of Education introduced its budget for the next school year. A big topic of conversation is the request for ...
Pastor Matthew Meinecke has won a significant legal battle with First Liberty securing a consent order on his behalf against ...
DC Young Fly, a comedian, actor and social media influencer, urged people to read the book of Job while speaking at his ...
The Bible, incidentally, has been banned on the grounds that the graphic depictions of sex and violence are inappropriate for ...
The State Board of Education heard eight hours of public feedback, largely on the Christian content in state-developed ...
In recent years, a peculiar narrative has gained traction in some political and religious circles: the idea that Donald Trump ...
The State of the Great Commission Report examines the challenges and opportunities amid a changing missions landscape.
The coalition most recently backed a bill that requires online pornography sites to require age verification ... Gruenewald ...
These extremely online young Christian men want to end the 19th Amendment, restore public flogging, and make America white ...
Everything you need to know about the Texas Education Agency's bible-infused reading curriculum going before the board of ...