Most were there to speak out on two ordinances targeting women and the LGBTQ+ community. Ultimately both ordinances were tabled, but not before a pack of people voiced their opposition. One ordinance ...
A farmhouse in rural Porterville has become a beacon of hope for artists across Africa. Through free workshops, shared meals ...
This Pontiac landed online because the owner has decided to let it go; the car spent its entire life with the same family ...
Port Naz, P Church of Nazarene celebrated their 100th anniversary Sunday,. To celebrate their 100th anniversary, Port Naz ...
American fashion designer and restaurateur, known for her iconic LA restaurant, Les Deux Cafés. How did she make it?
CalFire has new threat designations for areas much closer to urban areas than before. Maps for the Central Valley came out ...
There were more than 130 people who enjoyed another beautiful March day at the P Breakfast Lions Brewfest on Saturday at the ...
Two ordinances proposed by the porterville city council have energetic support and opposition.Both sides got together last ...
The Porterville City Council will continue working on two ordinances that have sparked significant outcry: a new “Parental ...