The gray whales are on their annual migration path between breeding grounds in Mexico and feeding grounds off the coast of ...
Two Capes Lookout is a glamping resort located along the Oregon coast, two hours from Portland—it just opened on Feb. 21. The ...
Meteorologists warned of gale conditions and hazardous seas that could make boating dangerous. Beachgoers also were warned.
Officials with ties to a local sewer agency stayed at luxury resorts during trips that cost tens of thousands of dollars a ...
Two Capes Lookout is a glamping resort located along the Oregon coast, two hours from Portland—it just opened on Feb. 21. The property sits on 58 lush acres overlooking the Pacific Ocean and has ...
Amidst the technicolor tidal pools and glittering rocks of the coast sits what looks to be a bottomless pit into the sea.
Get up early. Winds, and therefore the waves, are mellower in the morning. Later in the day, the sun may cast a glare on the ...
Plover nesting season has arrived on the Oregon Coast and officials are reminding beachgoers to be mindful in their habitat.
(KTVZ) -- Oregon State Parks will host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast from Saturday ... center can enjoy ...
Oregon State Parks is set to host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast from Saturday, March 22, through Sunday, ...