No brand has a more edgy online presence than ... sneakerheads are speculating that Canaan was playing in fake or replica Nike Kobe shoes. We will never know the answer, but that would make ...
In response, XX-XY Athletics, a brand that strives to maintain ... their sport,' Liilii explained. 'Fake feminism,' 'pretending to care about women' and 'Nike is ignoring the real problem' were ...
Bigger, bulkier sneakers have dominated the fashion landscape, but designers are moving toward a sleeker peekaboo style.
XX-XY Athletics, the athletic brand whose goal is to support ... their sport," Liilii explained. "Fake feminism," "pretending to care about women" and "Nike is ignoring the real problem" were ...
XX-XY Athletics, a brand focused on protecting women's sports, released a video in which several athletes reacted to Nike's ...
Design agency Taxi Studio’s founder and CCO Spencer Buck argues that brands need to stop positioning themselves around logic ...
The Arena Media Brands ... Brink replica jersey so far, writing, “Great quality and it’s a perfect fit," and “Perfect! Granddaughter just loved it. Very good quick service!” Nike writes ...
Liverpool and Adidas are to be reunited. The Reds confirmed that the German sportswear giant would take over as kit partner ...
As consumers tire of forced relatability, brands are embracing fantasy, spectacle and world-building to captivate audiences.