Changes announced on Monday will add an extra £15m in revenue for the club, but how did they arrive at their decision?
The prospect of a so-called ‘Trumpcession’ seems to be increasing by the day, but will there actually be a US recession?
Jenny Niven, director of EIBF, told The Bookseller: “We’ve been looking at our funding model and how to make ... invaluable in the running of large-scale arts events. “Ultimately, this ...
Western Canada’s farming sector is at a pivotal crossroads. Volatile fertilizer prices, import dependency and growing demands ...
Aim: Many studies have been performed on the methodological qualities of the (modified) Ashworth Scale but overall these studies seem inconclusive. The aim of this study was to investigate the ...
the Brunnstrom scale, sensory changes, reflexes, assessment of heart and lung status, Fugl-Meyer test, Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment, Modified Ashworth Scale for Spasticity, and Delis Kaplan ...
The Modified Ashworth Scale (elbow, wrist, fingers) was used to calculate a “Composite Spasticity Index”. Data from the arm section of the Barthel Activities of Daily Living Index (dressing, grooming, ...
Treatment sessions lasted 30 min, four times a week, for up to 8 weeks. Spasticity was assessed using the Modified Ashworth Scale, Tardieu Scale, Spinal Cord Assessment Tool for Spastic Reflexes, and ...