Handling tiny surface mount components and inspecting PCBs is a lot easier with a nice stereo microscope, but because of their cost and bulk, most hobbyists have to do without. At best they might ...
Here’s an oldie but a goodie. [RunnerPack] stumbled upon an article from 2001 about building a stereo microscope from a pair of binoculars and a camera lens. With a ring light attached to the ...
The most common microscopes in schools and universities are compound, stereo (binocular) and digital microscopes. These are the units we will focus on in this guide. Below is an overview of the ...
The AR1 module turns Evident/Olympus SZX stereo microscopes into augmented reality instruments so that users can carry out manufacturing operations and training sessions more quickly and effectively.
This microscope is fully functional, independent of camera application. Paired widefield 10x eyepieces are 45° inclined, with dual diopter adjustments, interpupillary adjustment from 55mm to 75mm.
The motorized components of the SteREO Discovery.V12 are fully integrated into the microscope software ZEN and AxioVision: measure and document the samples reproducibly.
The stereo, stereoscopic or dissecting microscope is an optical microscope variant designed for low magnification observation of a sample, typically using light reflected from the surface of an object ...